Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The G.I.F.

1. After completing the project I guess I feel most confident with the Polygonal Lasso tool because it was a really big part of my project mostly because of the fact that I used it to make the guy kinda grow out of the diamond spear thing that I made.
2. I wish I was more comfortable with the paint brush tool mostly because I have a straight line thing and I hate using things that don't give me straight lines, so yeah thats why I wish I was better at the paint brush tool.
3. I guess for the next photoshop creation I would wanna work with like actual pictures that were like taken by me.
-Also the concept is growth, the guy grew out of the diamond to show the growth of a man and how his growth affects his life. The growth of this mans life is signified by the crown and the scepter/spear that he has so he can address his subjects. He also puts his hand down which show how mature his growth has made him in the eyes of us his subjects. So yeah growth.


  1. I like how the body appears fluidly. I also like how the crown flys in and lands perfectly on this king's head.

  2. Your concept is very unique, Does this have any connection to your life or reality? I also think the fact that the crown falls on his head is awesome!

  3. This is pretty cool gif you made where you have a king waving. The precision of the transitions are done quite well. If you were to change this specific gif what would you do?Or even create another symbol and gif.

  4. Your gif flows very well! It's hard to see the transitions between each frame. And I'm not sure if this is what you wanted to convey, but I see a king telling his subjects to bow down, showing his superiority.
