Saturday, October 4, 2014

Art Reflection

1. The first thing I had to do was really draw the sky line which is normally easy and appealing to look at however the negative part is that you almost always have a lot of white space left on the picture that you have to fill up at some point in the process. Also for mostly all of the project I used a pencil which was nice for the second part of my master plan which was shading in the sky and making the G-symbol as I've grown a custom to calling it. The third part and the part I had the most trouble with was making the G-symbol stand out in the mostly pencil picture so I used a lot of yellow and white color pencil to sort of brighten the area around the picture.
2. When I originally came up with the concept of a letter in the sky I was first thing to myself like who the hell puts something in the sky to signal things, and immediately like the true nerd I am, I said Batman. Batman with the legendary bat symbol, was my inspiration for the project I represented this mostly with the tiny  silhouette of The G-man himself a top one of the buildings in the picture and also the night sky played a part  in it seeing as Batman and G-man only work at night, it's convenient for them.
3. For me the most challenging aspect was making the G pop out on the page. It was covered with the dark pencil marks and originally it was much smaller which kinda took away from the point of the letter project so it had some fixing to do. Also being directly related to the bat man symbol it needs to have some sort of yellow kinda coming off it or else whats the point so that was also kind of hard making the symbol actually shine.
4. Overall, I liked the project and I say I'm satisfied with it. I'd say I'm satisfied mostly because I got all the small details I was looking to get on to the paper on to paper I didn't really forget to do anything and I made a effort, so as long as I did that I'm happy with it.
5. If I could change one thing I would get rid of the second level in the sky line. The reason I'd get rid of it is because I'd have more room to make the G bigger and in the process make it the actual main focus of the picture.  


  1. Nice project Michael! I enjoyed seeing your progress, and change of ideas, from your first draft to final draft. I like your concept of a super hero.

  2. Really nice project. I like how you changed up your ideas as you went on. Your colors and composition really make your project unique. Good job

  3. Bro, you killed this project! It looks so cool and different ( in a good way). Out of curiosity why did you make the sky shaded black?

  4. Well honestly Batman's signal is within a spotlight and there are no actually straight parts like there are in a capital G. Have you thought about using a lower case g?

  5. What really inspired you to draw a theme of superhero? And if you were to do this exact design again would you add another letter to represent the villain. if so what letter would you choose and what color?

  6. Your concept and design look very good. I am wondering is there any other way to make you "G" stand out more, maybe using different colors other than black or white as your background. Out of curiosity, what letter will you choose next time?

  7. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a g-man but your concept is definitely on point. The yellow really pops out against the pencil as well.

  8. Your concept and your design is very cool. However you could maybe figure out a way to make the G stand out a little more. however the yellow outline of the G helps it to stand out more

  9. The concept of the letter was very creative and unique from the other designs and I liked the different shades of grey because it added more detail

  10. I really like your concept and the Gotham allusions are too good, but I would suggest using pen to make your shadows darker and make the G stand out more
