Saturday, October 4, 2014

Inspiring Person


My life has always seemed to revolve around my older brother. My older brother has been a staple in my life for as long as I can remember considering the fact he taught me everything I know. My older brother is who I looked up to when I was younger until I realized at like 11, he was a terrible person. Naturally like most younger brothers he rubbed off on me, not literally, and I became just like my older brother.  My older brother inspires me in a sense that I want to surpass him in life and just be better than him in general cause in true brother fashion my job as the little brother is to beat him at something, literally anything, and that has yet to happen.  

This picture perfectly reflects the relationship me and my brother hold, me being the one trying to fight back against and come out on top of the terrible person known as my older brother. I aspire to beat him, and one day, one fateful day I'll do it.

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