Thursday, February 26, 2015

What I did over the break...

I spent the break preparing for my comedy set at the Magnet Theater last Saturday. It was a pain to come up with a whole routine to do in a weeks time. It in the end it turned out fun and I was able to get a call back so i can perform their again. Sense I'm 16 I can't perform their by myself so I had to bring my mom and she sat in the front row, yelling and screaming. So I had to spend the first 2 minutes of my 10 minute set explain to the audience why women in her 50 was screaming at a 16 year old boy.

Graphic Logo Project

-I would say that the most challenging aspect of creating my logo was working with illustrator. Illustrator was pretty different from Photoshop  and the pen tool got a little difficult to function at first, but eventually I got used to it. I also figuring out the live paint bucket was also really weird to figure out.
-I overcame the problem by just trying over and over to make the logo as clean as possible until it was perfect. Also I had to try and use different functions of Illustrator to get used to the program and eventually get way better at it.
-i feel like the most successful aspect of my logo design was the way the flowers in the logo ended up looking in the design. I thought it was most successful because of how the it made the text and the entire logo really go together.

Monday, February 2, 2015

My Visit to the MoMA

-This "piece of art" was in the MoMA and it was around a bunch of other pictures that I assume were made by the same person because they all looked like a 4th grader's doodles while he's pretending to take notes in class.
-The piece drew attention to me because  it clearly brings up how this person should have taken Ms.Lee's art class in 10th grade and learn how to draw a straight line. Also why color in the stick figure it looks like this guy was telling a joke in class about a black dude and he needed visuals to explain the joke. The piece reminds me of when I was younger and i didn't know how to draw or even understood the concept of art.
-I know nothing about this artist but I can assume he is 6 years old and is suffering from Parkinson's (no offense to anyone that has Parkinson's, I'm positive you could make something better).